Monday 6 December 2010


INT. Boy's room. Day.

Boy stands by window having a cigarette, silently watching innocent looking man walking on street. Over the shoulder shot shows the man down on the street from the boy's perspective. Close up on certain actions of the boy smoking. The smoking shows the casual approach of the boy which due to the over the shoulder shot we assume is linked to the man on the street.   
                                           Voice over says (in a deep and depressive tone):
                         "Thats my target, i never planned life to be like this, but it is how it is." 

EXT. Street outside boys block. Day.
Shot of man walking in the street as we know boy is watching (omniscient audience). Portrayed as innocent an seemingly normal, average business man on his way to work with a briefcase and smartly dressed. Shots cut between boy and man to show connection. Camera is mainly eye line shots from boy to man, medium shots of man and close ups of boy's eyes. This shows the definite connection between the two but the audience doesn't quite know what. 

INT. Boy's room. Day.

Titles and boy getting dressed interchange, final shot shows boy placing gun/knife in jeans. The camera shots are mainly close ups of props and clothing mixed in with blacked out screens with the titles on. The close up of the weapons show their importance and raise tension because the audience assumes the worse when they see the weapons but don't quite know what he's going to do with them.   
Score: Bashy-Ransom 

INT. Boy's room. Day. 

Boy puts his hood up, showing he's ready for action and leaves his room, door slams. Camera is a low medium shot from behind showing the boy leave. The low shot makes the boy seem bigger than he actually is so that he becomes an intimidating figure. The hood also creates a mysterious aspect about the boy as he's never fully revealed. This then cuts to a blacked out screen with the film name on top. 

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