Wednesday 1 December 2010


When choosing what classification you want to be in with a thriller film you have to think about the boundries enforced by the classification. Thrillers are bound to have quite sophisticated themes which would not be allowed in such classifications as "U". A thriller film may also wish to use a certain amount of violence, thus increasing the age classification it is likely to be put in. For a Thriller the best classification to aim for is 15. This would allow a certain amount of violence and a complex and sophisticated storyline meaning when creating the film you are less constrained with what you do. Having a classification of 15 also tells the viewer that there is certain adult themes, likely to create a greater intrest in the film because if a film is classified a PG adults arent going to watch it as they will feel its too childish but children wont watch it either because it would be too serious for them. Therefore a 15 ensures that the likely target audience of teenagers and adults can be met. In the case of our film it will be a crime thriller that will be targeted at 15-21 year olds. Therefore making the classification of 15 perfect for our film as it allows all of our target audience to watch it whilst also allowing us to put in a more violent theme such as the planned teenage hit man, a 15 rating allows us to include basic shooting or violence as long as its no too graphic. This action is likely to then appeal to the audience of males who are 15-21 because they would tend to sway towards more violently orientated films. 

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