Sunday 28 November 2010

Analyses Of Relevant Key Texts

London To Brighton

The opening sequence of London To Brighton is fit in between the titles of the film. When the opening sequence starts we are introduced to the film distributor's identity 'Vertigo Films' which is shown in black and white and absolute silence in order to make the viewers concentrate on the names and take in the information being shown. After the film distributors we are shown the sponsors of the film as 'The National Lottery' and 'UK Film Council'. After this we are shown the film productions identity which is 'Still Mill Pictures' and 'Wellington Films'. After these titles have been shown we are presented with the time and place of the film which is 'London 3:07 am', this is effective as it enables the audience to understand where the following events are taking place and when they are taking place. This setting also links with the title of the film as it shows that they are still in London and the film is called 'London To Brighton' which immediately tells the audience that they have yet reached Brighton meaning that events will be taking place. Immediately after the titles we are introduced to the first shot of the film which includes the door quickly opening, producing a bang which breaks the silence that has been taking place which already starts off the thriller feeling as it shows that the person is in a rush to do something. This will also create an enigma as it will raise questions such as 'Why is she running at 3:07?' 'Why does she have a black eye?' etc. The audience can immediately understand that the opening sequence is not taking place at the start of the film but starting half way through the film making it a non-linear narrative. The rest of the opening sequence is very fast paced and creates suspense and is jam-packed with enigmas (question raisers) and keeps the audience interested in what is going on. Throughout the sequence the audience are presented with an ellipses of time which is done through quick shots of events that allows the audience to understand that a long event has taken place but has been shown in a small amount of time. Furthermore the dialogue in this thriller is very urgent and quick which creates more suspense as it shows that the characters are trying to rush things. Throughout the shot we are shown many kinetic camera movements which gives this thriller a documentary feel and makes it seem more realistic to the viewer. This thriller would be categorised as a 'urban social realist thriller' as it contains gritty, challenging and realistic techniques that forms the thriller together.

From Russia With Love

The opening sequence to From Russia With Love begins with the film productions titles 'MGM' being shown on screen in order to inform the audience who has produced this film. We are then presented with the famous James Bond title sequence with the famous James Bond score which is faded out at the end of the title sequence. We are then presented with the opening sequence being shown with no titles present which features sounds such as creeking and slow foot movement in order to create a tense feeling. A dramatic score is then included after the sounds have been quiet in order to break the tense silence and show the audience that something significant is going to take place very soon. The camera movement is very slow and calm in order to add a sense of 'cat and mouse' chase in which one character tries to find the other. After the sequence has taken place we are introduced to another title sequence in which a score is added in order to create a mysterious feeling around the titles. This is where the 'bulk' majority of titles are shown, ranging from the main actors, co-starring, key production team, director, editor, writer, director of photography and producers etc. This opening sequence can be seen as a Espionage thriller as we are presented with a lot of low key lighting, iconography such as guns and suits and the theme of persuit is present which creates the thriller feeling in this sequence. Furthermore we are presented with many enigmas throughout this sequence such as 'Who's following who?' 'Why?' etc. Even whilst the audience are raising questions, they are being presented with many more due to false information being given to the audience and through other techniques such as 'Red Herrings' and 'Dramatic Irony'.

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